Dear Customer,

Our advocacy for pre-engineered steel began back in 1974. My brother, David, and I founded Cearfoss Brothers when we recognized its emerging potential, and from the beginning, we had to break down some barriers. 

Many people presumed its primary advantage lent itself best to basic and industrial structures, when in fact, pre-engineered steel—or steel which has been designed and engineered to fit together—has quickly evolved into a top choice for office parks, restaurants, homes, shopping malls and much more. Offering a more cost-effective and environmentally sound option, pre-engineered steel is faster to install…and lasts longer. 

Over the years, we developed a solid reputation. Many businesses sought us out after having designed a project that turned out to be cost prohibitive. We offered an alternative that proved at least 15% cheaper, and converted the design to pre-engineered steel. And we’ve never once had an unsatisfied customer. 

In 1996, I launched my own company, offering comprehensive design/build solutions as well as options such as supplying materials only. When my brother passed away, Cearfoss Brothers began to phase out of business, but the legacy we forged lives on. We’ve never lost our original hunger…we build every single structure knowing it leads to our next job. 

Our enduring mission is to build a space where you can work on yours. We take pride knowing we’re not just erecting buildings; we’re making dreams come true. We work hard to create a space that reflects and celebrates their efforts and sacrifices. Onward and upward! 

Gary P. Cearfoss, 
President & Founder of SBS